Donegal Action for Cancer Care recently travelled to the European Parliament to stress the health implications Brexit poses to the people of Donegal.
Speaking from the European Parliament in Brussels, the Midlands-North West MEP said;
“Donegal Action for Cancer Care travelled to Brussels this week to speak to EU officials and to reiterate the danger Brexit poses to those living in the border region, particularly in Donegal.
“I felt that the concerns of those living in Donegal needed to be heard at an EU level. Donegal Action for Cancer Care met with the European Commission, the Irish Permanent Representation to the EU, and the European Cancer Patient Coalition.
“Due to continued neglect by past and present Dublin governments, Donegal does not have sufficient health services with no cancer services available in County Donegal.
“Under the health system of the Irish Government, the people in Donegal are expected to travel a gruelling 4/5 hour journey to access the cancer services in their State.
“Donegal Action for Cancer Care communicated to the European Commission the importance in maintaining the services in Altnagelvin Hospital across the border in Derry, and ensuring that these services remain accessible to Donegal citizens.
“Brexit must not become a barrier that prevents the people of Donegal from receiving live-saving treatment.
“By bringing Donegal Action for Cancer Care to the European Parliament it communicated to EU officials the reality a difficult Brexit would bring to the people of Donegal.
“Likewise, the two-way traffic between the North of Ireland and the Republic of Ireland demonstrates the level of cross-border cooperation.
“Following the Joint Agreement released last week, the aim to continue North-South cooperation must be realised.
“Both the British and the Irish government must ensure that a strong level of cooperation continues and the EU ensures that no changes will prevent the essential need for the people of Donegal to access service across the border in Altnagelvin.”